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Introduction to the 7 Chakras: How To Heal Each Chakra With Movement, Colour, Objects, Food & Sound

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Consider the chakras to be whirling vortices of energy that run down the spine. They begin from the bottom of the spine and work their way up to the top of the head.

Modern science has been proving what Ayurveda has been preaching for years – the location of of the Chakras correspond to the positions of the glands in the endocrine system!

Each of the seven primary Chakras covered here is linked to one of the 7 endocrine glands, which are responsible for us being in a state of optimum health. The endocrine system is made up of several ductless glands that create hormones, which operate as chemical messengers and are produced into the bloodstream by certain organs to activate or inhibit physical processes.

The connection between the Chakras and the glands emphasises the holistic aspect of health and illustrates the importance of maintaining a balance in your emotional and mental activities, as well as your physical diet and exercise, because they are all interconnected.

The lower chakras are concerned with survival, sex, and power on Earth. Higher consciousness, truth, intuition, and purpose are all linked to the top three chakras. With empathy, love, and compassion, the heart chakra connects the two worlds in the middle.

The three doshas are formed up of the five big elements, or mahabhutas, ether, air, fire, water and earth. The seven chakras are also related to those elements. Understanding the chakras' elemental qualities and the yoga asanas that open them up can help you build a more balanced lifestyle.

The three doshas are formed up of the five big elements, or mahabhutas, as you studied in Chopra Health Foundations. The seven chakras are also related to those elements. Understanding the chakras' elemental qualities and the yoga asanas that open them up can aid in the development of a dosha-balancing yoga practise.

So let's go through each Chakra...

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Ayurvedic Element: Earth

Colour: Red




Concerns: Security and survival.

Scienficially: your root chakra is your adrenal cortex glands


Blocked signs: Anorexia, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Auto-Immune Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Fatigue, Kidney, Spinal Column.

Concerns: Security and survival.

Stability, security, and basic requirements are represented by this chakra. It includes the area below the sacrum, the bladder, and the colon, as well as the base of the spine. You'll feel grounded, safe, and fearless while this chakra is open.

Asanas to open the root chakra(breathing deep into your belly and more where this chakra is located):

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Element: Water






Scientifically: your sacra chakra is your adrenal gland


Blocked Signs:

Asana's to unblock:

Foods: Introduce yourself to the vibration of plants to assist opening the chakra, such as teas, Sachés, essential oils, ashwaganda, saffron, coriander, scandlewood, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cava.

Element: Earth

Colour: Red

Stones: Carnelian, basalt , red jasper, spessartine garnet, sun stone, amber, tigers eye

Governs: Your sensations. centre of passion and personal power. Master generator of creation.

Blocked signs: Anorexia, Obesity, Osteoarthritis, Auto-Immune Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Fatigue, Kidney, Spinal Column.

Concerns: Security and survival.

Stability, security, and basic requirements are represented by this chakra. It includes the area below the sacrum, the bladder, and the colon, as well as the base of the spine. You'll feel grounded, safe, and fearless while this chakra is open.

Asanas to open the root chakra(breathing deep into your belly and more where this chakra is located):

Asanas to open the sacral chakra (breathing deep into your belly and more where this chakra is located):

It's the creative and sexual centre of the brain. It is responsible for creative expression as well as feeling connected and nurtured. It is placed above the pubic bone and below the navel.

Sacral Chakra (Manipura)

Element: Fire





Concerns: source of personal power.

Scientifically: your pancreas gland


Blocked Signs:

Asana's to unblock:

Sacral Chakra (Anahata)

Element: Air





Concerns: source of love and compassion. It serves as a bridge between the grounded matter (lower 3 chakras) with the spirit (upper 3 chakras).

Scientifically: your heart chakra is your thymus gland


Blocked Signs:

Asana's to unblock:

Sacral Chakra (Vishuddha)

Element: Space/Ether





Concerns: speaking your highest truth and the centre of verbal expression

Scientifically: Scienficially: your throat chakra is your thyroid gland


Blocked Signs:

Asana's to unblock:

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Element: Light




Concerns: center of intuition

Scientifically: Scienficially: your third eye is your pituitary gland


Blocked Signs:

Asana's to unblock:

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Element: thought




Concern: highest functions of the mind (enlightenment) and connection to the Devine

Scientifically: your crown charka is your pineal gland


Blocked Signs:

Asana's to unblock:

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